July 3 is an important historical day for Christians in India and for Guanellians in India, as this date marks the arrival of Christianity and the Guanellian charism, spirituality and mission on Indian soil. On this special day, July 3, 2022, the inauguration Mass was held for Fr. M. John Paul, SdC as Pastor of the Parish of St. Anthony, Anthonyarpuram, Chennai. The Guanellian Family in India is grateful to the Lord who blessed us with a parish in the archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore after serving in the diocese for nearly thirty years. Before the Holy Mass, a great welcome was given by the parishioners to Fr. M. John Paul, SdC, new parish priest and to Fr. V. Johnson, SdC, Assistant parish priest. Br. Clement Bala, VF, installed the new parish priest with the solemn Holy Mass presided over by Fr. J. Ronald, SdC, Provincial Superior of the Province of Divine Providence and concelebrated by the Guanellian, Salesian and SDM Fathers. Local religious and parishioners actively participated in all celebrations. The ceremony was well organized by Fr. Prakash, parish priest of Pannur from whose jurisdiction Anthoniyarpuram was promoted as a parish. The inauguration ceremony was to remind the parish priest and the people of God of their responsibility together before God to serve Christ in his Church and, with their holiness and example of their life, individually and as a community, promote the mission of the Lord. . After the Holy Mass, a large dinner and cultural celebrations were organized to congratulate the pastor and the assistant pastor. Province of Divine Providence and concelebrated by the Guanellian, Salesian and SDM Fathers. Local religious and parishioners actively participated in all celebrations. The ceremony was well organized by Fr. Prakash, parish priest of Pannur from whose jurisdiction Anthoniyarpuram was promoted as a parish. The inauguration ceremony was to remind the parish priest and the people of God of their responsibility together before God to serve Christ in his Church and, with their holiness and example of their life, individually and as a community, promote the mission of the Lord. . After the Holy Mass, a large dinner and cultural celebrations were organized to congratulate the pastor and the assistant pastor. Province of Divine Providence and concelebrated by the Guanellian, Salesian and SDM Fathers. Local religious and parishioners actively participated in all celebrations. The ceremony was well organized by Fr. Prakash, parish priest of Pannur from whose jurisdiction Anthoniyarpuram was promoted as a parish. The inauguration ceremony was to remind the parish priest and the people of God of their responsibility together before God to serve Christ in his Church and, with their holiness and example of their life, individually and as a community, promote the mission of the Lord. . After the Holy Mass, a large dinner and cultural celebrations were organized to congratulate the pastor and the assistant pastor. Local religious and parishioners actively participated in all celebrations. The ceremony was well organized by Fr. Prakash, parish priest of Pannur from whose jurisdiction Anthoniyarpuram was promoted as a parish. The inauguration ceremony was to remind the parish priest and the people of God of their responsibility together before God to serve Christ in his Church and, with their holiness and example of their life, individually and as a community, promote the mission of the Gentleman. After the Holy Mass, a large dinner and cultural celebrations were organized to congratulate the pastor and the assistant pastor. Local religious and parishioners actively participated in all celebrations. The ceremony was well organized by Fr. Prakash, parish priest of Pannur from whose jurisdiction Anthoniyarpuram was promoted as a parish. The inauguration ceremony was to remind the parish priest and the people of God of their responsibility together before God to serve Christ in his Church and, with their holiness and the example of their life, individually and as a community, promote the mission of the Gentleman. After the Holy Mass, a large dinner and cultural celebrations were organized to congratulate the pastor and the assistant pastor. The inauguration ceremony was to remind the parish priest and the people of God of their responsibility together before God to serve Christ in his Church and, with their holiness and example of their life, individually and as a community, promote the mission of the Lord. . After the Holy Mass, a large dinner and cultural celebrations were organized to congratulate the pastor and the assistant pastor. The inauguration ceremony was to remind the parish priest and the people of God of their responsibility together before God to serve Christ in his Church and, with their holiness and example of their life, individually and as a community, promote the mission of the Lord. . After the Holy Mass, a large dinner and cultural celebrations were organized to congratulate the pastor and the assistant pastor.
On July 4, 2022 Fr. M. John Paul, SdC was appointed by Fr. J. Ronald, SdC as manager of the Anthoniyarpuram residence. We wished all the best to the residence of Anthoniyarpuram, so that the Guanellian charism, spirituality and mission are implanted and spread in the parish activities of the parish of Anthoniyarpuram and its surroundings.